Thursday, July 15, 2010


I’d be remiss if I didn’t warn you.

The path you’re on
I’ve been there too.

The progress you’re making is false.
The movement you feel is not advancement but sinking sand.

You can’t tell because the trees even play tricks on you.

I thought I’d tell you
even though
I know
You won’t believe me.

You cut me,
jumped over
and even stepped on me to get there.

To you

I’m am an enemy,
even maybe a joke

To me

You are another person with a silly smile
sinking slowly in the sand.

I reach out but no matter what
you won’t take my hand.

©Christopher F. Brown 2010

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Response Letter

My life never meant anything to you.

You were:

Too big

Too bad

Too bold

Too important and better than me to see the value of me.

I wish I knew what
My mother
My daughter
were feeling right now.

But I can’t.

My life never meant anything to you.

I know God forgives you.
I pray
one day
the rest will.

What you
and they
saw and see
as worthless
is far beyond priceless.

Wounds that will never heal.
Emotional and mental blemishes that have already become cancerous.

All because

My life never meant anything to you.

©Christopher F. Brown 2010

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Deputy

Kill them before they grow.
The voices tell me:

“You’re not good enough.”

“You’re not smart enough.”

“You are not thin enough.”

“YOU are not enough.”

Kill them before they grow.

Sometimes they sound like my own
Sometimes like a friend’s or even family.

The most seductive
most pleasing one says,

“I don’t care.”

Kill them before they grown.

I never said that they only spoke lies.
Often they tell truths I don’t want to hear.

Discerning when the lies became true is difficult.
One must abandon acting out of causality.
they would all become defining.

Kill them before they grown.

Learn to make your own decisions
so you are not led by them.

©Christopher F. Brown 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Don’t be confused
or even question your understanding.

What flows from your heart
and stops at your lips
What has been made clear.

Comprehending the divine is not the mind’s purpose.

Understanding with the heart takes time.

What you seek
you’ve already found.

The problem is


want to make sense of it.

Whatever it is
it will be.

I’ll give you a hint.

What you want



©Christopher F. Brown 2010

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