I'm pissed that I once thought
you were, in my eyes
worth every
and star
In yours
non existent
invisible like radiation
indivisible from the magnitude of the void
I'm pissed that you use to shine
so brightly
causing my eyes to look your way
Siren song
was your voice to my ears
was the thought of you
your image upon my mind
was your form to my lips
Now I am here
seeking not your death but my own
Knowing it was not a trick
it always was what it was
you were never liken to Desdemona
you were always my personal Iago
You remind me that I’ve never known you
That is the pain and comfort
The closest ive come to knowing you
Reminds me of the most pain
Summer clouds in the desert
some hope
ive come to question your existence
You and I know
you’ll yield no rain
You are a reminder of intangibility
There may come a day when it rains
hell even snows
in the desert
but until then
you are not hope
you are a mirage.
©Christopher f. Brown 2013
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