What Threatens My Existence
What threatens my existence, immediately without question; White Supremacy. Most do and probably have tuned out now, thinking believing that they already know what I’ll write. Thinking, believing that they have already heard this before, and that’s is fine, that is a part of White Supremacy. White Supremacy threatens my existence because when I say, “White Supremacy” it causes people to hear, think, and assume I mean, “White people” when that’s not at all what I said. White Supremacy threatens my Existence because when I even mention it, I become the, “Angry Black Man” stereotype personified and whatever else someone’s imagination can conceive. In reality, if I was an Angry Black Man, I would have every right to be.
As an African, Same Gender Loving Male born in America, the white, heterosexual, Christian, male supremacy structure is my only true obstacle, my only direct threat and it is a constant daily one. Little things like the guy on Bart riding into the city believing its his right to take up two seats on a crowded train, one for him and one for his macbook, while I and others have to stand. White Male Supremacy is the belief that because he is getting off in the financial district and is fluid with millions, its ok. White Supremacy is belief that the coward cop has that allows him to think that something as small and insignificant as a gun will ever make him or her equal to me.
White supremacy threatens my existence because I see it in the hearts of some other Africans born here in America that will tell me, “Im not black enough” because I don’t wear wood cut Africa necklaces or silver Anhks. White Supremacy tells other Africans born in America that because I know a little bit about African spirituality then I must be running around putting roots on people and I need Jesus or Allah. Since when did a piece of material made by some poor person in china, sold to a poor person in America, help a poorer person in Africa? How could me just knowing about the gods my ancestors worshiped thousands of years before, merchants, conquerors and killers brought their gods to my ancestors homeland make me defective?
White supremacy threatens my existence because I see it in other people of color that look at me while im claiming pride in my Africanness and say its not the, “American Way” and that’s the problem with “people like me” because “We” need to assimilate.
This is how White supremacy threatens my existence, it teaches others to believe that my culture as it was and is, and myself, as I am and will be, should not exist.
F. Brown 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
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