Stolen moments
How could one do this?
Where would this place:
Beyond the galactic expanse
Beyond man's theory
That is the border and gate of understanding
Which we yet to have
The mental, physical, or spiritual genetic sequence to fathom
That one could reach their hand
Fully grasp the concept we've come to know as
Would there be anyone to stop us
We are attempting theft
Maybe even burglary
Its more likely
Or maybe just me
We make excuses for what we have traded away
We readily sacrifice what we have to
Green, gold, silver, even plastic Gods
We give huge portions
To those whom did not deserve the smallest
Those that would co-opt yours
For theirs
We label them
When we realize
Even the smallest of measurement counts
When we have little or none left
When we realize
The precious gift we had
When we gaze upon
The less than magic beans we now possess
We feel cheated
We feel wronged
We feel robbed
We say;
"Some one has Stolen my moments!"
When the truth has become clear
"You gave them away."
©Christopher F. Brown 2012