The sad thing is
The truth
The sad thing is
You blew it
The sad thing is
I knew it
The sad thing is
How you looked
The sad thing is
How I react
The sad thing is
The truth
It was All a lie
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
short stories, poems, prose, and more
The sad thing is
The truth
The sad thing is
You blew it
The sad thing is
I knew it
The sad thing is
How you looked
The sad thing is
How I react
The sad thing is
The truth
It was All a lie
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
Was there ever a time when it all made sense
Simple little things
Equated joy
Today was enough
No need to consider
You had no concept of
So Uncomplicated
You didn't need to know
how to spell it
Was there ever a time when it all made sense
A was A
That was it
You may question
But you knew what it equaled
Run was fun
Play was for the day
Simple as the nightfall
bringing sleep
Was there ever a time when it all made sense
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
Over You
I miss the passion we shared in each kiss
The smell of you and the comfort
In every embrace
I miss the acrobatics we called sex
The feats we achieved
Out doing the night before
I miss he debts of our conversation
The sharing of ideas
Contemplating and sharing contempt
I miss that time our paths were aligned
Our goals were set and mutual
The limit
Heaven bound
I miss what we had
What we shared
I realize
All of the many things I miss
I don’t
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
It feels a bit strange
Laying here on the couch
I normally sit in the chair
I think I might have even been born there
I never sought it out
I just ended up there
I have always been there
I tried to get up and leave a few times before
They always sat me back down
In the chair
Now that I'm laying here
On the couch
It feels a bit strange
Its new to me
What it feels like to be stretched out
Seeing the chair from this angle
Seeing the chair from this point of view
Going from Objectivity
To being the subject
Very different
Very new
What did you say?
Hmmm you have a very valid point
It is time.
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
So I did a HUGE update to my website
New home page
28 new poems
6 new color photos
2 new black and white
New Blog section
So far its just my latest book reviews and blogs
check it out
They say
Pick your battles
I say
My life is not a war
The plight of competition
Only brings about confusion
The real goal is never accomplished
Never known
The true purpose is hidden
Kept secret like middle name
May be good for now
How long can the greediest continue to win
How long after the hungriest consumes all
Consumes themselves
Instead of negating your efforts
I wonder
If I help
Would we both gain?
Is there a reason
You or I need to win?
That is true
No on need lose
True elevation
Of the mind
True elevation
Of the spirit
Comes not on a hill
In a cave or room
Sequestered away from light
Secluded in darkness
It comes in a single act of
When you decide to
Share and help
Without thought of personal benefit
Without thought of private gain
Will eventually rot the soul
Where as
Seems to be
The goal
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
Rise above the beastly nature
Be the human that you are
The struggle of endless competition
Ends in ultimate ruin
Resources depleted
Fertile ground left sterile
Is the only thing that will move us forward
Is the only thing holding us back
We only seem to get it right
When facing a mutual foe
Lasting only as long as they do
Children do it naturally
What happen to us all
Preacher battles prophet
Left battles right
Part battles part
Rise above the beastly nature
Only then can we receive the entire message
Rise above the beastly nature
Only then can we find the way
Rise above the beastly nature
Only then can we know
The whole
©Christopher F. Brown 2010
Seeing You
I fucking hate you!!!
That's what I want to say
That's how I use to feel
But it's not true
You're not worth the energy its taking me to feel this way
A truth spoken
But as of right now
Not real
You do live in a place that
As of now
Has a minuscule
Amount of power
A meager amount of sway
At least for today
At least for right now
I remember the first time
I saw that smile
I remember the first time
We held each other and kissed
I remember the first time
We made love and the days after
I fucking hate you!!!
That's what I want to say
That's how I use to feel
But it's not true
I tell myself
I'm fine
I'm better off without you
It doesn't feel that way
You look better than you did
You even have a different lover than you did
I shouldn't care
I know tomorrow
I wont
You messed me up alot
More than I figured
More than you probably intended
Its fine
I just have to get through the rest of today
I fucking hate you!!!
That's what I want to say
That's how I use to feel
But it's not true
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
Basic Outline of a Man
Description given
It is a fallacy to try and fill
from the outside in
Society says one thing
The truth more often than not
Starts with self
Bringing in line their conscience and mind
Solidifying their soul
Doing more than what
Has to or needs to
Accepting what is
Is done
More than claiming responsibility in good
Doing the same in bad
Not boasting about anything
Especially not boasting
More than announcing your sovereign
Respecting other's
More than knowing
Duty and honor
Knowing when to lead
Knowing when to follow
Knowing when to stop
It is a fallacy to try and fill
from the outside in
The content is only enough for one
The character is solely up to you
Unless you decided to share it
No one knows your heart
Unless they decide to give it
You don't know theirs
Do not let their judgments effect your own
Your assumptions are not Law
Here is a basic outline
Not for all
Better than some
You and your god
If you chose to have one
ultimately decide what is right
For you
Man is created one by one
But is never alone
©Christopher F. Brown 2012
It can be a hard place to live in
The sun won't shine for weeks
Its always a bit cold out
Men and women are capable of
And do things
that make the stories of monsters not that far from true
It can be very lonely here
The more you are willing to trust
The more likely the infamous
Will take advantage of you
Friends can very well turn out to be foes because
Every is taught to say,
"I got yo back."
But when given to them
They often use it for stabbing
Its rough here
Lies won't work here so many fail
What they told themselves in the mirror today is not allowed here so
Neighter are they
Not too many care and most only do because
For some reason
They have to.
I live here because
When the sun does shine
The tales most tell have no true words that can describe.
When something truly warm does come it warms your soul and becomes a part of you
So much so that it will sustain you through any and all cold. Well below zero
Here the men and women that wear horns are many and have to be defeated everyday.
There comes a man or a woman
That resembles an angle is walk and talk
Their very name is the sword that defeats.
Here if you take the chance and trust you might get lucky.
Might care
Might help
Truth is
In reality if you can find it
Because it is very rear and hard to find
Becomes your backbone
Able to support you under any pressure.
The words here might hurt
Only because they break ground.
Every one of them is a seed
Lies can not exist when truth is in full bloom.
I live here
In reality
because I looked around one day when
I accidentally walked into a fantasy
All I saw was clouds and fog
All I could do was imagine what this place looked like
All I could do was lie to myself about what I stretched out my hand to feel
All I could do was make believe where I was going dream about where I would end up
Only to end up going in circles.
When I finally made it back to reality I said to myself
Never again.
I'd rather live in reality
©Christopher F. Brown 2012