Saturday, May 19, 2012

I was never here, you assumed I was


You think you can define me

Your name must be Webster


Blanket statements


I have more than one gear

Multiple settings

Complex configurations


They are not for you to

Tamper and tinker



They'd be simple

If you asked

They'd be simple

If I told


You assume much

Based on

No observation

No study

No inquiry


You assume much

Based on

Someone else


I continue to

Do and be



While you remain confused

Surprised by my actions

Baffled by my words

Perplex by my expression


Since you won't ask

Since you assume you already know

Ill only say


You never saw me

You only assumed you did

You never heard me

You only assumed you did



You never knew me

You only assumed you did


©Christopher F. Brown 2012



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