Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My question

My question, to whomever it may concern, am I to look for love or let love find me?


Am I to look for that special someone or let someone special find me?


My question, to whomever it may concern.


The search for the love of my life always leads me to a dark room with damp pillows and the banshee’s wails of silence. So, I love life instead and I escape the room.


My question, to whomever it may concern.


Why do I want for a type of something that I have never really known (even then it was only single sided)? Why has my one true goal been one that I can not work to, or make happen by my own will, my own power?


My question, to whomever it may concern.


I want someone to love when it seems to me that no one is trying, or even wanting to love me.


©Christopher F. Brown 2009


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